
I was back at YOW! Connected in Melbourne again this year, this time doing a talk entitled “Untangling Callback-Spaghetti with ReactiveCocoa”. This was another ‘functional advocacy’ style talk, aimed at convincing people to use reactive Signals instead of tracking mutable flags & timestamps across multiple callbacks. I had a demo based on the upcoming ReactiveCocoa 4 (the Swift 2 version) which had only had its first alpha release a few days prior, so it was really tempting the demo gods.

The conference as a whole was excellent - there were too many to mention, but I really enjoyed the talks from Laura Savino, Josh Clark, Adir Shiffman, Duana Stanley, and an utterly hilarious description of Sally Shepard’s foray into the lucrative world of Cat Wearables.

The slides are available here, and the ‘ReactiveMarbles’ playground is up on github.